Pediatric advance care planning
Decision making for a serious illness can sometimes feel overwhelming. Our team can support you and your child by providing a safe and open space to have ongoing conversations about wishes, hopes and values to help guide future healthcare decisions.
- These conversations often involve talking about your understanding of your child’s serious illness, fears/worries, strengths, treatment options, and goals of care.
- Our clinical team can also help you and your child understand the medical information to support you in making decisions that are in the best interest.
- Our team can also help facilitate conversations with other healthcare providers to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working together to meet your child’s needs.
- These conversations are ongoing as your child’s care changes, during hospice admission family team meetings and to better understand medical orders in the event your child’s health worsens significantly
- Thinking ahead can help families anticipate decisions, which supports coping and an increase in sense of control.
Prepare and plan for these conversations
- What would your family like to know about the illness and next steps?
- What information would help your family make decisions?
- What is important to your family?
- What are your questions and concerns?
- What ways can children participate?
*Pulled from the BC Children’s Hospital, Ethics Department, Partnership Guide
A child’s voice and preferences are an essential component. We will work alongside your family and involve your child in decision-making taking into consideration your child’s ability to understand, participate, preference for involvement and ability to make specific decisions in regards to their care.
Partnering with children in health care decisions supports children to feel valued and empowered. Involving children can help them cope better with treatments and build trust with the hospital environment and the people involved in supporting their health care.
Family Resources about advance care planning
- Living my Culture
- Courageous Parents Network
- Me and my illness activity book
- My life and their illness activity book
- Talking with your child
Who to contact if you have questions about Canuck Place advance care planning
- Email the Canuck Place intake nurses if your questions surround an upcoming or possible hospice admission
- Phone the Canuck Place Advance Practice nurses at 604-742-3478 for any outpatient questions or requests