Family feedback form
family feedback form
We welcome your feedback
As a child and family on the Canuck Place program have rights and responsibilities. The goals of this feedback form is to:
- Process any complaints promptly and fairly
- To document your complaint and share feedback with the clinical team when appropriate
- To work with you and your family to resolve the concern and provide assistance to ensure your safety and the improvement of the clinical program
- To respect child and family choice
A compliment is any overt expression of satisfaction with the care and/or service provided by Canuck Place.
A concern and/or complaint is any overt expression of dissatisfaction with the care and/or service provided by Canuck Place.
If the care you or your child received did not meet your expectations, we are committed to working with you to find a reasonable resolution. Your feedback is our chance to improve health care services
What to do if your child is still receiving care services
You can give feedback in several ways:
- You can speak to the person who cared for you and your child
- You can speak to that person’s manager
- You can speak to the Clinical Program Director to share your experience and concerns.
- You can complete a feedback form online
If you self-identify as an Indigenous person and/or family and have feedback to improve the delivery of health care to First Nations people in BC, the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) Quality Care and Safety Office (QCSO) provides a supportive process to provide feedback.
More Information:
What can I expect when I share my experience?
- Our hope is to collaborate with you to come to a resolution. We respect a child and family may choose to remain anonymous. If you choose to identify yourself, the Clinical Program Director s will follow up with your complaint within three business days.
- The Clinical Program Director will:
- Listen and respond with privacy and respect
- Document your complaint
- Gather information and outline options available to you
- Partner to proceed towards a resolution
- Provide a written response to summarize the process
What if my concerns remain unsolved after collaboration?
- If you feel dissatisfied with the resolution of your complaint after discussing and collaborating with the Clinical Program Director , we may wish to escalate the complaint to a Licensing officer
- For a complaint related to the Vancouver site: VANCOUVER: Licensing Officer of the Office of the Chief Medical Health Officer of Vancouver Coastal Health at 604-675-3800.
- For a complaint related to the Abbotsford site (Dave Lede House) or clinician based out of the Abbotsford site: ABBOTSFORD: Community Care Facilities Licensing Office, Fraser Health Authority. Central Intake Telephone Line: 604-587-3936
How to complete feedback
- If possible name and two points of contact (preferably telephone and email) – you can choose to be anonymous
- A brief description of your compliment or complaint
- Location where it happened
- Desired outcome
- Please select if you have a preference of contact